
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Exclusive and Tested Articles of Readers

Ubqari Magazine - May 2014

Readers! You should also give up on miserliness. If you have tested a spiritual, physical or bodily tip, and you have observed its benefits. Or if you have observed or heard about any astonishing incident, the pages of Ubqari are available for you. Do not consider your very ordinary experiences as futile. These can prove to be a solution for another person, and an eternal charitable act for you. Even if you write it casually. Write on one side of a paper, we shall refine it ourselves.

Adorn Your Life and Hereafter With Istighfaar

(Dr. Haji Abbas Ali, Wah Cantt)

Respected hakeem sahib, Assalam o alaikum! May Allah keep on blessing you with perfect health and prosperity. A few Hadith and several other incidents are presented for the readers of Ubqari. Please accept them.  Punctuality of Istighfaar: Hazrat ibn-e-Abbas (RA) quotes that Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) said person who would repent from his sins punctually, Allah almighty opens a door for him to come out of every hardship. He redeems him/her from all the sorrows. And provide sustenance to him/her from such a source, from where he/she cannot even imagine. (Abu Dawood) Allah says about Hazrat Nooh (AS) in Quran-e-Kareem that he said to his nation, "Thus, I said seek forgiveness from your lord for your sins. Undoubtedly He is the most forgiving. He would shower rains upon you from the skies. He would increase your wealth and offspring. And He will grow garden and wonderful habitations for you." (surah Nooh)

Readers! Allah Almighty is extremely affectionate, soft merciful and forgiving. Abandon obscenity, barefacedness, polytheism, wrong traditions, nepotism and oppression. Embrace this loving message of Allah Almighty. Then see that how much that merciful and forgiving Lord would bestow success and dignity upon the Muslim world. This is a promise of Allah, who does not do anything against His promises. Hazrat Mutrif Imam Sha'bi (RA) quotes that hazrat Umar (RA) went out to pray to Allah Almighty for rain upon people's request. He did not say anything other than seeking forgiveness from his sins and came back. It was said to him, "We did not see you praying for the rain." He said, "I asked Allah to shower rain from those stars through which rain is obtained." Then he recited these verses of Quran-e-Hakeem, astaghfiru till madada. Seek forgiveness from your Lord for your sins. Undoubtedly He is the most forgiving. He would shower rain upon you from the sky.  Another Incident: Four people came to hazrat Hassan Basri (RA). Each one of them described his respective problem. One of them talked about drought, the other talked about poverty, the third talked about having no offspring, the fourth about having drought in his garden. He (RA) suggested each one of them to repent to Allah for their sins. Imam Qartabi (RA) has quoted hazrat ibn-e-Sabeeh (RA) that one person complained about drought to hazrat Hassan Basri (RA). He said, "Seek forgiveness for your sins to Allah Almighty." The second person complained about his poverty. He said, "Seek forgiveness from Allah for your sins." The third person came and said, "Please ray to Allah to give me a son." You said in reply to this, "seek forgiveness to your sins from Allah." Then the person who had complained about his barren garden, he (RA) advised the same to him. Hazrat Hassan Basri says, "I have not told them to do anything on my own behalf." Then he recited the verse of surah Nooh. Translation: Allah loves people who repent.

Benefits of Salt

(Haji Muhammad Waaris, Rawalpindi)

Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) has prescribed salt as a source of health. Once a scorpion stung you (PBUH) while you were praying. You (PBUH) got rid of it and said, "May Allah's curse be upon the scorpion. Neither he spares a person who is praying nor anyone else." After that he (PBUH) mixed salt in water and applied on the place that had been stung. He (PBUH) also kept on reciting surah Kaafiroun, surah Falaq, and Naas as well. (Hissan)

People have prescribed similar cures in this intricate illness. According to one prescription bandages soaked in diluted iodine should be placed on the wound. This is done with the lotion of potassium magnate (1:8000). Is the salted water not better than this? In biochemistry, eatable salt is given to eat in various skin problems containing swelling with the name of Kali Mure. Healing From Sarsaam: Pour a few drops of salted water in the nose of a patient who is unconscious due to sarsaam. By the will of Allah, he would regain consciousness instantaneously.

Virtues of the Night of 15th of Shabaan

Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) has said that on the night of the 15th of Shabaan Allah Almighty forgives His whole creation. But a person who indulges in polytheism and spite is not forgiven. (Ibn-e-Maaja) According to another tradition, two people are not forgiven, one who is spiteful and the other who kills someone without any justifiable reason. According to another tradition, one who breaks the ties of kinship is not forgiven. (Saeed bin Mansoor) According to another tradition, Allah does not look upon such people with mercy. Neither on the polytheist, nor on the spiteful, nor on the one who breaks the bonds of kin, nor on the one who hangs his trousers below his ankles, nor on the person who disobeys his/her parents.

Make Quick and Sweet Yogurt: In order to make sweet yogurt quickly, put two green chillies in it in the beginning. The yogurt will set quickly and it will be sweet.

My Medical Experiences

(Hakeem Muhammad Saleem Shahzad, Lodhraan)

 Respected hakeem sahib, Assalamo-alaikum! I beg to state that I am a persistent reader of the monthly Ubqari magazine now. And I eagerly wait for its arrival every month. You are really working very hard and with keen interest. Only Allah can reward you for this. I believe that every difficulty, whether it is spiritual or physical, for its best possible cure, Ubqari works as an ultimate solution. We pray to Allah Almighty, that may Allah give hakeem sahib a long life. And that you (RA) keep on serving the world and the religion like this forever. I would like to present my very special prescriptions to the readers of Ubqari that I have been using in medical practice for a very long time. It is hoped that Allah Almighty would not let anyone be disappointed.

A Healthy Cure for Itch, Naasoor, and Bhagandar

 Hoo al-Shaafi: Jarr kore tumma, 1 kg. Poste beej jarr madaar (Aak), 1 kg. Wheat, 1 kg. Soak these weeds in 8 litres of water at night. Boil this water in the morning. When 5 kgs of water is left, sieve it. Put wheat in it and cook it. When the water is dissolved, dry the wheat in sunlight and grind it. After that fill full-sized capsules with it. Take one capsule in the morning and one in the evening with milk after meals. Using it for 10-20 days is beneficial.  Note: If it creates dryness or anxiety drink water or eat desi ghee.

Continuous Urination or Bowl Movement

Urination while sleeping at night or the urge to urinate frequently due to diabetes.  Hoo al-Shaafi: Seed of mango, seed of jaaman, tukham karela, kalonji, ajwaain desi, gonde kikker. Take 50 grams each of the aforementioned items. Cinnamon 25 grams, grind it well.  Dosage: Take 2-5 grams once in the morning and once in the evening after meals.  Note: 10 grams of maghaz akhrote (walnuts) can also be given daily.

Ganthiyya, Pain of Large Joints, Constipation

 Hoo al-Shaafi: Asgandh Naagori, Soonth (dry ginger), sonf (aniseed), Soranjaan sheerein, 20 grams of each one of them. Misri 10 grams. Make a powder after grinding. Give 3--5 grams in the morning and in the evening along with milk.

Special Oil of Ganthiyya

 Hoo al-Shaafi: Hard tobacco, 1/2 kg. Water, 5 litres. Long, 60 grams. cinnamon, 60 grams. walnut pulp, along with its skin, 60 grams. Sesame Oil, 1 kg. Boil all of them well in water. So much so that when 1/2 litres of water is left, sieve them. Put sesame oil in 1 litre of water and boil it to the point where only oily oil is left, and then sieve it. Upon cooling put 36 grams of amrat dhaara in it and fill it in a glass bottle. Apply massage on the affected region and tie a polythene bag on it. Tie a warm cloth on it. Clean in the morning. Put one spoon of salt in luke warm water. Boil it. When it becomes luke warm again, wash the place that aches.

The Reality of Prayer

(Dr. Altaaf Hussain)

The lexical meaning of prayer is to call. In the Quranic context, to ask Allah for the fulfillment of religious and worldly needs is known as prayer.

The Reality of Prayer: The state a person acquires due to indulging in the thoughts of the dignity and grandiosity of Allah Almighty, to achieve and strive for the proximity of Allah should be the real intention for prayer. The time for the acceptance of prayer reveals on a person when he/she forgets the various charms of life and his/her own being. According to this vantage point, the prayer in which worldly desires are sought is not a prayer. But even in this prayer seeking from someone except Allah almighty, such as idols, goddesses, gods, jinns and humans continuously is polytheism. Worldly prayer is also a worship of a sort. That is why to seek from someone other than Allah is polytheism. Yes, but if one goes to Auliya and the pious, then it is another matter. If we seek help from the people who are near to Allah to intercede for us, there is no harm in it. Allah almighty has said in the Quran.  Translation: Those people whom you call for help other than Allah, are just ordinary people like you; meaning that they cannot fulfill your desires and prayers. Just like you are helpless, they are also helpless. Then he said on another occasion, Translation: Is there anyone other than Allah who can answer the call of a tormented person when he/she is under torment? Meaning that an entity with such traits does not exist except Allah. It is also shown with this verse that during a difficulty if Allah is called upon, He helps.

Allah almighty accepts the prayers of His people. Allah Almighty has said in the Quran that I accept the prayers of my people, just as He has said, "You pray to me and I shall accept." Then He said on another occasion, "When a caller calls upon me, I accept his/her prayers. My person should hope from me for acceptance." Meaning that that beneficent and merciful Lord definitely accepts the prayer. Now a question arises that millions of people pray five times a day. Apparently it appears that the prayer is not accepted. If the prayers had been accepted, the plight of Muslims would have been improved by now. The answer to this is that such as there are conditions for other affairs, similarly there are conditions for acceptance of prayers. Should someone keep these conditions under consideration and pray, definitely his/her prayer would be answered. If the conditions are not fulfilled then undoubtedly the acceptance of prayer becomes doubtful. By the will of Allah the manners and conditions for acceptance of prayers would be described.

Whose Prayers are Accepted? It is stated in the Quran that, "Whether it is a man or a woman amongst you; whoever would do pious deeds. But the condition is that the person should be pious and a practicing Muslim. We shall reward him/her for his/her righteous and pious life, and give better rewards than his/her deeds."  Meaning that Allah almighty said that a believer man or a woman deserve to seek reward for their pious lives, in this worldly life and in the afterlife. Thus, whoever is a believer; his/her prayer would be accepted because he/she is the one to be rewarded by Allah almighty.

Prayers of the Adulterous Are Not Accepted: Hazrat Maalik bin Deenaar (RA) says that once severe famine struck in the era of bani-Israel. People repeatedly went out to pray for rain. They pleaded and cried, but it was not accepted. At last a revelation was sent upon the prophet (AS) of that time that they have come out for prayer in such a state that their bodies are impure and the bellies are full of prohibited food, and their hands are red with innocent blood. In their coming out in such a state, my wrath only increased for them. They should vanish away from me. Pay attention after these sins how can a person accept that Allah Almighty would accept the prayer. What we learn from this is that until a person purifies him/her-self from sins, his/her prayer does not acquire the level of acceptance.

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